I took some time away from maintaining this page after a pretty serious car accident, but I think it's about time to get back in the saddle so to speak. I think I'll start by branching out my reviews a bit as well, and may just start adding most of the books I've read rather than sticking solely to sci-fi, astronomy, and astrophysics based works.
That said, this was my intro to James Rollins. This is technically Book 12 of his "Sigma Force" series, but it worked well enough as a standalone without getting me too incredibly lost in the character's backstory. I actually read this as it was a monthly freebee checkout through Amazon.
The pace of the book was great- it kept my attention without boring me to death, and was basically a historical fiction that leaned heavily on the actual non-fiction history of Sudan and Egypt. If you like mummy and plague stories, this one just might be for you.
I officially finished this book back on December 4, 2018, and still haven't picked up any other Patterson books. Guess I should check into those. This was a fun read.