OK, so I've said it about the two other novels in this series, and I will continue to say it, the naval battles in these books are excellent. I came to these novels for the naval battles, and stayed for the rest of the story. I'm honestly quite glad that the entire novel doesn't center on naval battle because I know I would certainly get bored with it. But what is presented to the reader is Just the right amount of high seas antics and land-based adventure.
That said, I feel that this novel holds up quite well to the rest, and without giving anything away was glad to see the return of some old colleagues. This Melville took more of a shift for me from a heavier focus on a veryJames Bond-esque mission and story to that of a more Jason Bourne-ian style. I do not mean that is a bad thing, quite the opposite, I actually think it's good to have changed the feel ever so slightly. I also like more of the inclusion of Grey's personal life and where it may be heading.
I do hope there will be another book in this series. I feel invested now, and need to see him wrap up his personal matters back home and would love to see him visit is colleagues in his old birthplace. I can think of a few places that would be interesting to slip his character into up and down that coastline during that time period. It feels like there is so much room for this character to continue on without getting repetitive or old thanks to the framing in this last novel specifically.
I really do hope another novel is released in this series.